Elevate Everyday: Introducing Live Free Haley G



Well, hello there internet!

This inaugural blog post marks the beginning of a new chapter, not just for me, but for all of us who crave the freedom to explore, to share, and to celebrate the beauty of life. Through this website, I hope to provide a window into my world as an actor, model, yoga enthusiast, adventurer, and human trying to find her unique path while offering insights and inspiration for living life to the fullest.

My Journey: The Beginning

From a young age, I've always been captivated by the arts. As a former shy kid (I mean, so shy I would whisper to my brother, who would then talk for me!), the arts gave me an outlet to understand life in a way that made sense to me--without words per se, but just through design. My little brain would connect the dots through colors and connections, through interactions and movement, through listening and awareness.

Acting and movement became my outlet, giving me that voice I didn't realize I so desperately craved. When I was on stage either acting or dancing, I transformed into another entity. And I LOVED IT. These allowed me to express myself in unique and fulfilling ways.

Yes, this path has its own challenges and triumphs. I vividly remember the initial struggles I faced when starting out in acting, of wanting something so badly, knowing my capabilities, tasting that little bit of the dream, and receiving sometimes gut-wrenching rejection.

I may share more stories in detail later, but for now, I know these early experiences gave me perseverance to keep pushing forward. It taught me how to deal with rejection from an early age. To feel that want to give up, but to know that it would never soothe my soul. To see in the midst of that rejection...the only option was to keep pushing forward.

I learned to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth. They shaped me into the resilient and determined individual I am today. I've discovered that they intertwine beautifully, enhancing my growth and creativity.

Yoga: A Transformative Practice

One of the most transformative aspects of my journey has been the practice of yoga. It has become an integral part of my daily life, infusing my artistic careers with mindfulness, positive energy, and a deep sense of gratitude.

I always had a pull to yoga, but I didn't listen to this calling or know why it was there until 2017. Having been through a series of events that left my mind and body fragmented, I knew I needed something to connect my whole being together again. I needed to break down that blockage that kept my head and my body from connecting to one another, leaving both of these unable to connect with my greater spirit. Yoga proved to be the answer.

More than just asana, or the physical practice, yoga has allowed me to connect to the present moment. To see the greater picture. To see that there is no past or future in this moment, it is just THIS MOMENT that we have. Through breath, focus, and physical practice, I have realized that yoga extends far beyond just on the mat.

The power of connecting mind, body, and spirit has allowed me to approach my work and my life with a heightened sense of awareness and authenticity.

Through yoga, I've learned the importance of self-care, self-acceptance, and vulnerability. It has taught me to embrace my imperfections and find strength in my vulnerabilities. This newfound sense of empowerment has not only influenced my professional pursuits but has also brought immense joy and fulfillment to my personal life.

Elevating Everyday

Living life to the fullest is not just about the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. It's about finding beauty in the ordinary, embracing every moment, and infusing it with vibrancy. It's about saying yes to experiences. It's about adventure. It's about connecting with others, spreading positivity, and inspiring those around us.

In this blog, I aim to share my unique perspective on vibrant living. From practical tips for self-care and personal growth, to reflections on the power of human connection, and adding lifestyle recommendations to bring it all together, I want to ignite a spark of inspiration within each reader. Together, let's navigate this journey of life, celebrating the highs and finding strength in the lows.

A New Chapter Begins

As I embark on this new chapter of openness and vulnerability, I invite you to join me. Through my life, writing has been a form of a sanctuary—a place where I can liberate my thoughts and emotions. Let's celebrate the beauty of the arts, the power of self-expression, the ability to connect to one another through honesty and sharing, and the limitless potential of the human spirit. There is so much we can do together.

I'm excited to share my experiences, insights, and stories with all of you. Together, let's elevate everyday and embrace the vibrant journey of life.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts; whether it's navigating the challenges of the acting world, finding serenity on the yoga mat, embarking on thrilling adventures, or just blabbing about life stuff. Whatever it may be, I want to bring you along for the ride. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and entertained. Here's to living freely, expressing openly, and embracing the magic of life.

Thank you for joining me. From the bottom of my heart.

With gratitude,

Haley G